Our Advisory Board
The formation of an Advisory Board is a crucial step for VtPHI as it embarks on its journey to independence. VtPHI started the process to recruit members to the Advisory Board in early 2024. By providing expert advice and strategic insights, the board members can help VtPHI navigate the challenges and opportunities that arise during this period of growth. Furthermore, the board members bring their diverse backgrounds, skills, relationships, and experiences, which can prove invaluable for VtPHI as it seeks to establish itself as a standalone organization.

Joanne Crawford
Joanne Crawford has worked for many years to address health equity challenges within the Vermont Abenaki community. She is a former member of the Maquam Bay Board of Directors for the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi as well as a former Chief of the tribe. She is currently a member of the Health Disparities Cultural Competency group and a Schweitzer Mentor within the UVM Larner College of Medicine. Within her role with the Department of Mental Health, she Chairs the Agency of Human Services Abenaki Equity Workgroup which seeks to ensure equity and inclusion for the Abenaki people within State programs and resources. For the last two years, she has been a member of the Health Equity Advisory Commission which is an advisory to the Vermont Department of Health and the Vermont General Assembly. She is currently on the Board of Directors for Abenaki Health and Heritage, Inc. whose work includes improving the health and wellness of the Abenaki people.

Erin Creley, MBA
Erin Creley (she/her) is the Public Health Services District Director for the St Albans Office of Local Health, part of the Vermont Department of Health. Erin leads and supports the District Office team in delivering an array of services to the people and communities of Franklin and Grand Isle counties, including WIC nutrition benefits, immunizations, and supports for workplaces, schools, healthcare providers and municipalities working to meet public health goals.
Erin’s career in Vermont has spanned diverse health and human service settings, including HowardCenter’s buprenorphine-based medication-assisted treatment program, quality improvement roles with BlueCross and BlueShield of Vermont and OneCare Vermont, and graduate internships with UVM Medical Center and the Green Mountain Care Board. Erin has a passion for working with community partners to identify barriers to health access and developing solutions to reduce or eliminate those barriers. In 2013, Erin earned her Master’s in Business Administration and Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management from UVM.
Erin grew up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, but is grateful she gets to call the Green Mountains home. She lives and works in St Albans, Vermont, where she is a Rotary member and serves on Northwestern Medical Center’s Board of Directors.

Ron Dendas
Ron Dendas is a consultant and advisor, with a focus on improving overall community health and well-being. He works with non-profit organizations on strategic planning, reorganizing, building capacity, creating organizational culture, using data to drive discovery, and implementing innovative, strategic initiatives. He served as the first Director of Health Improvement for the Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health, where he implemented innovative ways to create cross-sector partnerships, authentically engage and empower community members, identify and address vital conditions for well-being, and increase access to and actionability of local data.
He also served as a Program Officer for The Dorothy Rider Pool Health Care Trust, managing grants that focus on community health, access to primary health, cradle to career education, safe and healthy housing, economic mobility, behavioral health, and maternal-child care. He was also involved in expansion of local public health services, establishment of community health centers, improved behavioral health services, and assessing the health needs of communities.

Ruben R. Garza
Ruben (he/him/his) is the Executive Director of United Way of Windam County. Ruben believes that a healthy community is one that delivers on its promise to support, enrich, and provide opportunity to the lives of all its members, regardless of race, gender identity or sexual orientation. He believes that active participation is required by all community members to uphold and protect its shared values. Ruben strives to lead by example; he employs his use of free time volunteering and engaging the community as a board member and supporting local arts and artists.
Ruben moved to Brattleboro, Vermont from Laredo, Texas in 2015. Ruben’s favorite Vermont past times are swimming in the Summer, generally being terrified of winter driving, and leaf peeping in the Autumn. You may catch Ruben walking around the downtown area shopping and walking his dog, playing basketball in the Parks and Rec league, and attending theatre performances throughout the year.

Heidi Klein, MPH
Heidi Klein is the Managing Director of Healthy and Equitable Communities at Health Resources in Action (HRiA). She brings over 30 years of public health practice, public engagement, and collaborative planning. She worked with leaders at the national, state and local level, to design programs and policies which recognize the interconnection between public health, environmental protection and economically vibrant communities. She is past-president of VtPHA and has served in multiple capacities for the American Public Health Association.

Molly Lawrence, MPH
Molly Lawrence (she/her) currently serves at Supervisor, Community Health Strategy and Impact at the University of Vermont Health Network, working collaboratively to advance community-driven health priorities in the region. She is the incoming Board President of the Vermont Public Health Association.
Molly’s 15 years of professional experience spans the non-profit and healthcare sector, focused primarily on researching, developing and implementing programs that address the social drivers of health. Molly highly values formative public service experiences, including as an Initiative on Cities Fellow with the Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics, and serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA. Areas of interest include facilitating authentic community engagement, environmental justice, and food sovereignty.
Molly earned her Master’s Degree in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences and focus area in Health Disparities. She lives in Burlington with her husband and two children.

Dan Olson
Dan currently serves as the Executive Director of the Vermont Public Health Association. Over Dan’s 20-plus year career, he has held various roles in for-profit and nonprofit organizations, all with a focus on improving the health of human and natural communities. Dan served as the Executive Director of the Colorado and New Mexico-based environmental advocacy organization San Juan Citizens Alliance. He also held multiple product management roles at Ecova (now ENGIE Impact), including Director of Product Management, leading the organization’s carbon accounting, waste, water, and strategy and engagement services. In addition to these roles, Dan was the founder of a consulting business that served the sustainable operation needs of small and medium-sized businesses in the Intermountain West, pioneered the use of environmentally-beneficial loan funds at Harvard University, and has served as a volunteer and board member of numerous nonprofits. In his free time, Dan and his family enjoy exploring the many and varied wonders of the Northeast and beyond.

Denise Smith
Denise Smith is a value-driven, systems level collective impact leader with 20+ years of experience at the intersection of planetary and human health and wellbeing. She has spent a large degree of her service in executive roles with environmental, healthcare, and economic development organizations. Denise recognizes the importance authentic leadership plays in the meaningful transformation of systems and believes that communities possess the self-organizing abilities to redefine their futures. She is focused on improving population health in Vermont and is a value-based care professional. She is the Executive Director for Vermont Center for Rural Development (VCRD). Prior to joining VCRD, Denise was the Director of Population Health Programs and Strategy at Northwestern Medical Center, where she worked at the intersection of clinical quality outcomes, health equity, prevention, social determinants of health, and collective community initiatives that improve the health of her friends, neighbors, and family members. She attended the University of Vermont (UVM) as an undergraduate and served in the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa shortly after graduating. In 2018 she received her Master of Science in Leadership for Sustainability from Rubenstein School at UVM. She is currently the Chair of the St. Albans City Planning Commission, Chair of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Lake Champlain, and Treasurer of the Vermont Public Health Association. She lives in an old house that she and her husband are remodeling room by room in St. Albans with their three children, two dogs, and a cat.

Heidi Westermann, MPH
Heidi Westermann (she/her) is a Director of Public Health Data Modernization and Informatics at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) where she oversees ASTHO’s data modernization portfolio of learning communities, capacity building, and technical assistance projects in support of data sharing, systems improvement, and effective data-driven decision making. Prior to joining ASTHO in 2019, Heidi worked with the Vermont Department of Health and NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in tobacco, HIV, epidemiology, workforce development, and performance improvement. Since 2012, she has taught part-time in the University of Vermont public health program, designing, teaching, and adapting an online course in Public Health Surveillance. Heidi’s love and commitment to data stem from her training in chronic disease epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and the interdisciplinary study of science, technology, and society at Vassar College. Heidi is a Vermont native who loves travel and any size, shape, or type of national park to balance her small state roots.