Backbone Partners
The VT CHEP partners with 10 Backbone Organizations across the State of Vermont! Each VT CHEP Backbone Organization is a local organization in their District whose main goal is to provide the support needed to improve health equity as defined by their community collaborative.
What's Here
Learn more about our Backbone Partners and Integrator Staff, see tools, frequently asked questions, and more!
What is a Backbone Organization?
The statewide VT CHEP Backbone Organizational Partners provide support for each Integrator staff, playing an important role in providing infrastructure and continuity in their community. Based on the Collective Impact Model, the Backbone Organization is central to making improvements at the community level.
Each VT CHEP Backbone Organization is a local organization in their District whose goal is to provide the support needed to improve health equity as defined by the community collaborative.
Additionally, Backbone Organizations support the funded community projects as the administrative and financial conduit with the VT CHEP.
What is an Integrator Staff?
The statewide VT CHEP Integrator Staff are foundational to the success of the VT CHEP work. They are the catalyst that moves the work forward, through engagment and communication with their local collaboratives, Backbone Organization, and VDH District Director.
Integrators wear many hats and are responsible for community project support, actively working with their local collaboratives, and completing administrative duties such as monthly reports and invoicing.
Integrator staff responsibilities include:
- Using Collective Impact Principles: A common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication – to facilitate alignment among multi sector partners.
- Facilitating and supporting the local collaborative with embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion, to develop and implement system-change strategies to achieve impact, while engaging community members in meaningful and authentic ways.
Backbone Organization Partners
There are twelve VT Department of Health Districts, however there are ten Backbone Organizations in the VT CHEP. One Backbone Organization and one Integrator Staff supports two Districts, and the Burlington District is without a Backbone Organization.
Barre – Central VT THRIVE
Bennington – Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC)
Brattleboro – United Way of Windham County (UWWC)
Burlington – N/A
Middlebury – Porter Medical Center
Morrisville – Lamoille Health Partners (LHP)
Newport – Northern Counties Health Care (NCHC)
Rutland – Social Tinkering, JEDI Movement
Springfield – Southeastern VT Community Action Group (SEVCA)
St. Albans – Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
St. Johnsbury – Northern Counties Health Care (NCHC)
White River Junction – Public Health Council of the Upper Valley

VT CHEP Backbone Organization – Specific Tools
Find tools specific to the Backbone Organizations such as invoice and templates and schedule, and more. This page requires a password for access. Please contact Kyra Wood, VtPHI District Liaison with questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does VT CHEP stand for?
VT CHEP stands for the Vermont Community Health Equity Partnership.
Where did this funding come from?
This VT Community Health Equity Partnerhip was supported by funds made available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support, under OT21-2103.
When does the VT CHEP grant end?
Thursday, November 30, 2023.
The original end date of the VT CHEP grant was May 31, 2023. Through an approved federal extension, the VT CHEP will now end November 30, 2023.